Friday, April 18, 2008

Laughter is Good Medicine

Laughter heals.  Fortunately I'm married to a very funny man!  Throughout our marriage we have avoided and resolved many things through laughter.  Life can be serious but it can also be quite funny - sometimes at the same time. I had a visit to the e.r. Monday morning with pain which resolved itself. While going through something terrible and being between two thin curtains I laughed at DH's comments and expressions related to the two people on opposite sides of me who really had created their own problems. (I also said a prayer for them) I thought it peculiar that I could laugh at a time like that. Also, my older brother said that he was going to try to do something because Elizabeth Marie was his favorite unborn relative. I thought that was so funny (maybe you have to know him) and everytime I think of it I laugh.

This is another thing that humored me. I found it on Molly Piper's site. Take a look at the fabulous Miss Douglas - she wants that title so bad she has lost her common sense.  The kids especially like her C3PO walk.

Perhaps God adds a dose of good humor in the Grace He provides during tough times.  I am grateful he knows exactly how to heal!


Lisa said...

You can always count on Crazy Uncle T both for words of faith and a laugh or too. I can only image what DH was doing in the ER. It makes my heart happy to know that there can be laughter amongst the tears. It always reminds me of the scene in Steel Magnolias. I just want to "Whack Weezer"

As for that video, that poor poor girl. I wonder if that was a for real pagent, if it was, I can only imagine how bad her singing must be!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Silly Billy didn't earn his nickname from being serious. Funny how I assumed it was oldest brother too - but blog said older brother which could have been any of the three if I'm correct? But the humor is that of Uncle T! My computer didn't have the video - does my DH have too many child safety locks for this blog?