I received Photoshop Elements for Christmas and have already spent many frustrating nights trying to figure it out. Someday I know it will make sense but right now it's like making my way through a foreign country knowing 5 words.
With a little help from my in-house tech support I got a little further tonight. My husband and I are both turning 40 in a span of weeks so we are having a special dinner at Farallon restaurant in San Francisco. My Brother-in-Law is a Chef there. It is an amazing dining experience!
Here's the first success I've had on Photoshop - it isn't perfect but I finally got somewhere.

I am impressed with the Grasshopper. I am going to love adding this to my daily blogging list, that will make two. It will also inspire me to maybe do a blog myself.
Who is that Mommy? That's Silly Billy and Aunty.
No its not. That isn't silly billy and Aunty.
Oh yes it is.
This is the comment of the youngest of the grand ants!
It is amazing what 30+ years will do.
Happy 40th Birthday little Miss Grasshopper!! May your year be truly blessed!
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